It recommends that guests bring their own car or rent a car to make simplest transfers.

Arbatax harbor (from Civitavecchia)

By car. Is located just 35 km from Urzulei. At the exit of

Tortolì-Arbatax take the road SS 125. Once in Lotzorai Take the road SP 56 for Urzulei- Talana and continue to Urzulei.

Olbia harbor (from Genoa, Civitavecchia, Livorno, Piombino).

By coach from the harbor of Olbia, is possible to move with ARST, Even if It is necessary to make some coach changes in some major centres like Nuoro and Tortolì or in one of the towns where the coach stops: See roads and time lines. See roads and time lines.

By car: almost 130 km. Take the exit from harbor, the 4-lane direction to Nuoro / Cagliari / Oristano SS131DCN.

After about 80 km take the exit toward Lula / Dorgali / Oliena and continue to Dorgali. Passed Dorgali continue on the panoramic SS 125. Continue for 26 km, leave the SS 125 and take the road for 4 km to Urzulei.

Olbia Airport:

Airport, harbor and centre of Cagliari: about 160km from Urzulei

Public transport:

By car: drive on the 554 that rounds up to the new SS 125 until Lotzorai, then take le provincial route SP 54 to Lotzorai-Urzulei.

Taxi – car rental for/to harbor and airports

Deplano autolinee e

Alghero Airport: 220km

By car: Drive on the SS 131 to Cagliari, take after almost 100km of highway the SS129 until Nuoro and continue on the SS 125 for Dorgali/Urzulei.